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A Weekend of Outdoor Adventure and Alaskan Culture in Scenic Goodnews Bay, Alaska

Discover the top things to do in the remote fishing village of Goodnews Bay, Alaska during a weekend getaway to this off-the-beaten-path destination known for breathtaking natural scenery, Alaska Native culture, outdoor adventures like kayaking, hiking, fishing and wildlife viewing. This travel guide covers the best attractions, tours, restaurants and hotels for an authentic Alaskan experience you won't soon forget!

Goodnews Bay is a remote fishing village located on the southwestern coast of Alaska along the Bering Sea. Though small, this quintessential Alaskan town offers visitors ample opportunities to experience the state's natural beauty and cultural heritage. As a popular travel blogger always seeking unique destinations off the beaten path, I decided to spend a long weekend exploring this hidden gem. Join me on my journey through this spectacular corner of The Last Frontier.

After arriving in Goodnews Bay, I checked into my room at the King Salmon Motel, the town's only lodging option. The no-frills accommodations provide everything needed after a long day of traveling. Famished from my journey, I headed to the Dockside Galley for their signature halibut fish and chips. The lightly beer-battered halibut was fresh from the day's catch and practically melted in my mouth.

Later in the afternoon, I joined a guided hike through majestic Walrus Mountain State Game Sanctuary, marveling at the dramatic coastal scenery and keeping an eye out for wildlife like brown bears, caribou and bald eagles.

In the morning, I explored the Goodnews Bay Historical Museum and Cultural Center to learn about the area's indigenous Yup’ik culture and commercial fishing heritage. Highlights included centuries-old hunting tools, baidarka boats used for walrus hunting and even a wolf pelt parka.

Afterwards, I enjoyed a scenic kayaking excursion courtesy of Alaska Adventure Company. As I paddled along the shore, I was rewarded with sightings of harbor seals sunbathing on the rocks. Nothing beats being surrounded by the calls of seabirds and lapping waves.

Later, I joined an ATV tour to an old cannery site, riding through the tundra and forest. Our guide explained the importance of salmon fishing to the town’s history. We even spotted a massive brown bear feasting on a catch in a nearby stream!

On my last day, I woke early for a salmon fishing charter. It was incredible reeling in bright red sockeye salmon while bald eagles circled overhead. My catch was prepared as a delicious dinner by the Dockside Galley.

Before my flight, I made sure to stock up on souvenirs at the general store like smoked salmon strips and walrus ivory carvings to remember this off-the-beaten-path Alaskan adventure.

Though small, Goodnews Bay offers an authentic look at rural Alaskan life. The dramatic landscapes, abundant wildlife, native culture and pristine wilderness made for an unforgettable weekend escape. If you’re looking to get off the tourist trail and immerse yourself in the real Alaska, be sure to add this charming town to your itinerary. I know I’ll be reminiscing about kayaking with seals, fishing with eagles overhead and breathing in that crisp Alaskan air for years to come.

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